Adam gave me a gift certificate for a sewing class that I will be taking in a couple of months. The class, which takes place over several weeks, will teach me how to make a zippered bag, which is very exciting, since I have not machine-sewn since the eighth grade. My primary school had (and perhaps still has) a house on our school grounds that was used to teach sewing to seventh and eighth graders. It’s true, my primary school was preparing us all for future employment at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, and thus, an entire HOUSE was devoted to teaching us to sew.
Anyway, once I regain the muscle memory of my sweatshop skills* I am planning on making one of these cute little box bags I’ve been seeing.
I first saw them for sale at, which someone had linked to on their blog. Misocrafty has some, too. I like the idea of the grommet hole on the piddleloop ones for feeding the yarn out, though it also strikes me as totally useless since once you started your project, it would be impossible to fit back through the grommet hole. Unless there’s a secret trick I am missing.
But if you already have sewing skills, here is a tutorial for making these same box bags, from a blog called dragoknit.
*Hey, my grandmother was/is a member of the International Ladies Garment Workers’ Union, so I mock because I am of The People.