It’s good I started the sock over again because I realized I had been doing the double decrease wrong. I realize everyone and their mother in blogland has made Jaywalkers, so, this is hardly revelatory information, but when you slip the two stitches knitwise for the double decrease, slip them together, not indiviudally.

Okay, above is a photo of the sock waiting for Billy Joel at his Wednesday Final [ish] Play at Shea. I have always like Billy Joel, even though I know he is considered a little lame by many people. My theory about Billy Joel is that he’s like the Vows section in the New York Times–everyone is a fan, no one wants to admit it.* (If you read the Sunday New York Times, you read Vows, aka “the wedding section,” aka “the women’s sports pages,” even if you’re a man. It’s a fascinating section and if you claim you don’t read it, you’re lying.) *Except if you’re from Long Island, whose entire population showed up at Shea, I think. They love Billy Joel, without shame or reservations.

One of my friends claims she was a Billy Joel fan until she saw the video for Uptown Girl, which she claims was “him jumping around in a ridiculous jumpsuit,” which made her lose all respect for him. I never have had MTV, so I was spared this video (though I just watched it on YouTube, and it is kind of crazy. But it was the ’80s! I have another friend whose favorite movie is Grease 2…it was a weird time.)

Anyway, in college, my roommate and I (okay, it was mainly me) somehow borrowed a Best of Billy Joel tape from our neighbor (which dates when I went to college–people still had tapes, though even then, they were rare) and we were like, damn these old people, because we totally would have gone to see him in concert, if the tickets hadn’t been so expensive. But when I saw that he was playing at Shea, I thought that maybe the tickets were free, so I googled the concert the day of the event, and though it was not free, additional tickets had been released for that night. So, I was like “Hey! It’s historical! They’re tearing down Shea! We should go!” It was definitely fascinating. Though there were times that I felt like I was part of some crazy Manchurian-Candidate-esque stadium event (especially after John Cougar Mellencamp appeared and everyone started yelling “USA, USA,”), even I was touched when the entire stadium sang “Piano Man” to the Bard of Long Island.

P.S. My love for Billy Joel does NOT extend to a capella groups, which I hate, and who seem to share a love for Billy Joel. I’m guessing that my friend who hates the Uptown Girl video never saw an even worse video…For the Longest Time.

 Knitting at the Met 

PPS It’s been so hot, I’ve been knitting wherever there’s air conditioning…the subway, the museum, etc.

Posted in travelingproject, Uncategorized at July 21st, 2008.

The Cloisters shawl

Pattern: Japanese feather and fan shawl from Izzy’s Knitting. This stitch pattern is super-popular, and is also featured in the Baltic Sea Stole and Japanese Feather Stole.

Yarn: Most of two skeins of Fleece Artist Merino Sock, $24 each , from Knitty City, thanks to a gift from Sarah and her mom. Thanks Sarah and Sarah’s Mom! Their gift certificate has ended up being turned into two shawls, the Ella Shawl and this one.

Needles: Lace Addis, size 5

Project began/ended: Started April 28, finished July 11, or a little over two months.

The Cloisters shawl

Notes and Modifications: I was a little worried about how the variegated yarn was going to turn out, and probably, if I could turn back time, (to quote Cher), I would have picked a semi-solid. I even contemplated overdying the whole project, but once it was blocked out, I think it was fine. An interesting experiment–and it definitely turned out better than I had expected when it was on the needles.

The Cloisters shawl

I knit the pattern exactly as written. It’s pretty clear, though lacking in direction. If you haven’t figured it out, you knit as written on the chart to the end (from right to left), knit the middle stitch as indicated, then knit back from left to right for the other half of the stitches, reversing the directions of the decreases (replacing the SSK with K2TOG and vice versa). My edging didn’t really feather and fan, but no one else’s on Ravelry’s seemed to either.

Click through after the jump to see more photos.

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Posted in Finished Objects 2008, lace, Shawls, Uncategorized at July 15th, 2008.

 So the shawl is pretty much done–it just needs to be cast off and blocked out. I had wanted to finish it before the 4th of July, but you know, life gets in the way.

We headed up to Ithaca for the holiday weekend and I took along a ball of rainbow sock yarn, intending to make a pair of Jaywalkers.


I cast on on the bus, and knit through to yellow in front of the Cascadilla Gorge…


…next to the Taughannock Falls…


…in the car…


…in front of the Beebe Dam..

but it was all for naught. The damn sock is too tight! I had cast on fewer stitches than the instructions said–and with size 0 needles, instead of 1s–because I am under the impression I have narrow calves and feet. Well, I measured my leg and foot, and it turns out I have average sized (and width) feet. Anyway, the whole leg–all the way through to the V of ROY G. BIV–is ripped, and waiting to be reknit. Grr.

Posted in Socks, travelingproject, Uncategorized at July 9th, 2008.