I don’t often get to use the category tag “crazy knitting” here, but I have found an awesome subject, courtsey of JenLa. I don’t even know how I found this post* but it introduced me to a topic I have never thought of: knit landscapes.

These range from these strangely cute:


to the incredibly weird…Knitted Historical Figures. I think if I ever knit a Madame de Pompadour, I have crossed the line into CRAZY.

*There should be some word coined for when you google something but can never remember the magical combination of words used to find that page ever again.

So I can read when I knit, but I think I need some sort of geek contraption that holds out the book in front of my eyes (like on a helmet or something), because when I try to read when I knit, I get terrible posture. But tv…I love tv, much to the shame of my people (righteous San Franciscans who believe that tv rots your brain). And I just saw the best new show…Gossip Girl. So deliciously good. If you want to watch prep school kids in all their tv-trashtastic glory, this is the show for you.

Posted in Crazy Knitting, Uncategorized at September 19th, 2007.