The sock tries to escape from Alcatraz

Here’s a sign (below) that I thought was funny. it was for a laundromat.
I’m trapped! In Alcatraz!
The nascent sock and the finished sock are planning on escaping from the jail cell for knitted objects!
You probably can’t knit in jail, especailly in Alcatraz, ’cause you could hurt someone with needles!
June 9th, 2006 at 9:54 am #Sydney
How cute are you?!?!?!?!
The sock is reminding me of the Gnome in Amelie… it should continue it’s travels long after it is fully knit. Maybe get it a frequent flyer membership somewhere.
Are you going to Las Camelias in Marin when you are there? You should… it’s the best Mexican food I have ever had.
June 9th, 2006 at 11:17 am #Phyllis Gabor
I’m so calling Socks’ Services on you!!
All my best,
Phyllis G.
June 9th, 2006 at 4:00 pm #CL
I wish you much socksess!
June 21st, 2006 at 2:03 pm #kate
they let you knit in JAIL?
(tee hee…this seriously takes the cake for the most interesting knitting-in-public location i’ve seen in a long time!)
March 15th, 2008 at 9:31 pm #New York Minknit » FO: Berkeley Socks
[…] I seem to thinkĀ all of the East Bay as one big entity. A couple of years ago, when Adam and I went to visit my family, we ate at Pizzaiolo and I was like, OMG, this pizza place is next to a yarn store!Ā But […]