Sock-a-roni…the San Francisco treat!
The sock goes to visit Laughing Sal at the Musee Mecanique
The sock…ready to defeat terrorists!
The sock, in its relaxed vacation mode. “Man, I love hanging out here on the grass…smoking weed…” Kidding! No weed was smoked. But the sock looks relaxed, no?
Anyway, first sock is done!
Here is a snippet from a hilarious e-mail that a friend sent me:
Thought you find this “career advice” column very amusing. It was a source of humor
in my day. It’s called “Career advice for the unattractive.” Basically, it’s like
“you’re ugly – you’ll be passed over for promotions and be forced to date horrible
freaks like yourself. Here’s how to make the best of it: take a hobby, learn to
knit, volunteer to help old people…”
This was the link:
In case you can’t tell, all my friends find me judgmental. Some find it more amusing than others. Seriously, this column is so funny. My favorite part is when it suggests that the reader is so ugly that he or she may wish to look into a job where he or she doesn’t have to work with other people! I’m not sure the average shrink would say this is good advice.
Off I go to observe hippies in their native habitat. But first, I must sleep.